SBR Session Exception measurements

The Session Binding Repository (SBR) Session Exception measurement report contains measurements that provide performance information that is specific to the SBR Session Database.

SBR Session Exception Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
SbrCreateSessDbErr Number of errors creating a session record 5 min
SbrRefreshSessDbErr Number of errors refreshing a session record 5 min
SbrRemSessDbErr Number of errors terminating a session record 5 min
SbrFindSessDbErr Number of errors when encountered for finding a session record 5 min
SbrRemSessRarAttempts Number of sessions removed as a result of no response being received in 8 consecutive attempts to query the policy client for existence of the session 5 min
SbrCreateOcSessionDbErr Number of Online Charging session creation errors 5 min
SbrFindOcSessionDbErr Number of Online Charging session query errors 5 min
SbrOcSessionNotFound Number of Online Charging sessions not found 5 min
SbrRefreshOcSessionDbErr Number of Online Charging session refresh errors 5 min
SbrRemoveOcSessionDbErr Number of Online Charging session removal errors 5 min