Server TCAP Performance measurements

Server TCAP Performance Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
RxTCAPDialogues Number of ingress dialogues created (Begin Ind). 30 min
TxTCAPDialogues Number of egress dialogues created (Begin Req). 30 min
TxTCAPOperations Number of egress operations created (Invoke Req). 30 min
TCAPStackQueueAvg TCAP task queue average depth. 30 min
TCAPStackQueuePeak TCAP task queue maximum depth. 30 min
TCAPDialogueTblAvg TcapDialogue table average size. 30 min
TCAPDialogueTblPeak TcapDialogue table maximum size. 30 min
TCAPComponentTblAvg TcapComponent table average size. 30 min
TCAPComponentTblPeak TcapComponent table maximum size. 30 min