Transport Exception measurements

The Transport Exception measurement group contains measurements that provide information about exceptions and unexpected events related to the Transport Manager.

Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
RxTrFarEndClose Number of times the far-end closed the association 30 min
EvTrManClose Number of times the Trasnport was manually closed. This includes manual changes of the transport administrative state that cause the transport to transition from APP-UP to Disabled. 30 min
EvTrNoRespClose Number of times the Transport was closed due to lack of response from the far-end. This includes lack of response to any signaling sent on the transport. 30 min

The number of times the SCTP connection attempt failed on the transport. This includes only unsuccessful attempts to connect/accept SCTP connections. It does not include failure of established connections.

The number of times open attempt on UDP socket in Listen Mode failed on the Transport.

30 min
TxTrSendFail The number of times the SCTP/UDP send failed for signaling on the transport. This includes sending of any messages on an established transport or UDP socket. 30 min
RxTrRcvFailed The number of times an SCTP receive attempt failed on the transport. Failure to receive message via SCTP may result in a message being discarded. 30 min
EvTrSockInitFail Number of times the socket initialization failed 30 min
TmSingleTransQueueFull The number of egress messages that were discarded because the singleTransport Writer Queue was full. 30 min
EvSctpAdjIPToDwn Number of times configured IP Address of an Adjacent Node goes from Available to Unavailable. 30 min
EvSctpTransRej Number of times SCTP Transport has been rejected due to remote IP addresses validation failure based on SCTP Multihoming mode. This is valid only for SCTP Transports. 30 min