
Measurement Group: ComAgent Exception

Measurement Type: Simple

Measurement Dimension: Arrayed (by Service ID)

Description: Number of stack events discarded because they were submitted to an Unavailable Routed Service.

Collection Interval: 30 min

Peg Condition: Stack event submitted to ComAgent by a local User Layer, and the stack event references an Unavailable Routed Service.

Measurement Scope: Server


Each count of this measurement indicates that a local application attempted to send a stack event to another server using a Routed Service, but the event was discarded due to the Routed Service being unavailable. Routing failures can occur due to:
  • Maintenance actions are performed that result in a loss of communication between servers.
  • Network problems result in a loss of communication between servers.
  • Server overload can result in routes becoming unavailable for some stack events.
  1. Check the Main Menu > Communication Agent > Maintenance > Routed Services Status and Main Menu > Communication Agent > Maintenance > Connection Status screens to further diagnose the cause of routing failures.

    If a discarded stack event was a request from a reliable transaction and the routing failure was due to a temporary condition, then it is possible that the transaction completed successfully using one or more retransmit attempts.

  2. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) for assistance.