
Measurement Group: DM-IWF Performance

Measurement Dimension: Single

Measurement Type: Simple

Description: Number of Diameter-to-MAP transaction messages processed.

Collection Interval: 5 min

Peg Condition:
  • When DM-IWF processes a Request message received from DRL.
  • When DM-IWF processes an Answer message received from an MD-IWF.
Note: Two messages are processed for each Diameter-to-MAP transaction: the Request received from DRL (e.g., CLR) and the Answer response received from a SS7-MP and returned to the Diameter network (e.g., CLA).
Note: This measurement serves as baseline for calculating measurements RxDmiwfDtoMTransRateAvg and RxDmiwfDtoMTransRatePeak, as well as KPI Diameter-to-MAP Trans Msg Rate (refer to the DSR Alarms and KPIs Reference for details on this KPI).


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