
Measurement Group: Connection Performance

Measurement Type: Average

Measurement Dimension: Arrayed (by Connection ID)

Description: The average number of bytes in the SCTP/TCP receive buffer. The bytes in the receive buffer are those received from the peer but not yet read by the peer state machine.

Collection Interval: 5 min

Peg Condition: Periodically (currently once a second) the depth of the socket receive buffer is measured and the value used to update this measurement.

Measurement Scope: Server Group


  1. If this measurement is at or above 80%, this may be an indication that the SCTP/TCP socket receive buffer size is too small, or that the Local Node is unable to handle the load it is presented. Increase the SCTP/TCP Socket Receive Buffer Size from the Connection Configuration Set for this connection.
  2. If this does not improve the situation, consider load-sharing with other DSRs.
  3. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) for assistance if needed.