
Measurement Group: Diameter Rerouting

Measurement Type: Simple

Measurement Dimension: Arrayed (by Connection ID)

Description: Total number of message rerouting attempts.

Collection Interval: 5 min

Peg Condition: When the DSR attempts to reroute a Request message routed via a Route List for one of the following reasons:
  • Transport connection fails
  • Answer response Result-Code plus application ID matches user-defined values for message rerouting

This measurement will be pegged when any of the following measurement IDs are pegged: TxRerouteConnFailure, TxRerouteAnswerTimeout, TxRerouteAnswerResponse.

The connection measurement is associated with the upstream connection from which rerouting was triggered.

Measurement Scope: Server Group


  1. If the user-configurable answer response timer is set too low it can cause the timer to expire before an Answer response is received. The user-configurable value is set from the Diameter > Configuration > System Options page.
  2. Connection status can be monitored from the Diameter > Maintenance > Connections page.
  3. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) for assistance if needed.