Error Code 2xx/3xx

Associated Error Category: Binding Found But Unable To Route

Description: Request message is received and a binding with a PRCF was found. Policy DRA can't route the request to PCRF due to PCRF being unreachable.

Associated P-DRA Alarm/Event: Event 22707 - Policy DRA Diameter Message Processing Failure (refer to the DSR Alarms and KPIs Reference for details about this event)

Associated Measurement: TxPdraAnswersGeneratedForDiameterErr

Associated Diameter Interface / Message Type:
  • Gx/Gxx CCR-I
  • Rx AAR
  • Gx-Prime CCR-I

GUI Configurable: Yes


  1. Error code 2xx/3xx is generated by DSR routing layer for various routing errors that result in the failure of routing the Diameter request to the PCRF.
  2. Go to the P-DRA NOAM GUI to check the server status from Main Menu > Policy DRA > Status & Manage > Server to verify if some DA-MPs have failed (if some servers on the same side fail, the traffic will be distributed amongst the remaining DA-MPs).
  3. Go to Main Menu > Status & Manage > KPIs to check the ingress traffic rates of the DA-MPs. Each DA-MP in the site should have about the same ingress rate in normal situation
  4. Go to Main Menu > Alarms & Events > View History to search for relevant congestion alarms. The Display Filter may be set as Timestamp or Server to include Policy DRA, DRL, or DCL alarms.
  5. Check the Policy DRA SOAM GUI Main Menu > Measurements > Report to search for relevant measurements.