Error Code 305

Associated Error Category: Policy DRA Unavailable or Degraded

Description: Policy DRA Unavailable

Associated P-DRA Alarm/Event: Alarm 22500 - DSR Application Unavailable (refer to the DSR Alarms and KPIs Reference for details about this alarm)

Associated Measurement: RxApplUnavailableForRequest

Associated Diameter Interface / Message Type:
  • All Gx requests
  • All Rx Requests
  • All Gx-Prime Requests

GUI Configurable: Yes


  1. Go to the P-DRA SOAM GUI at Main Menu > Diameter > Maintenance > Applications to verify Policy DRA's admin state is set as expected.
  2. Check the Main Menu > Diameter > Maintenance > Applications to verify Policy DRA's Operational Status and Congestion Level. Policy DRA's Operational Status is "Unavailable" when the operator has removed Policy DRA from service (Admin State is "Disabled").
  3. Check Main Menu > Alarms & Events > View History for relevant events or alarms related to this DA-MP server.
  4. Get the measurement report from Main Menu > Measurement > Report for, but not limited to, measurement RxApplUnavailableForAnswer.