Error Code 505

Associated Error Category: Binding Not Found

Description: Binding record is not found after examining all configured binding keys in Diameter message.

Associated P-DRA Alarm/Event: Event 22718 - Binding Not Found for Binding Dependent Session Initiate Request (refer to the DSR Alarms and KPIs Reference for more information)

Associated Measurement: TxPdraAnswersGeneratedForPsbrErrResp

Associated Diameter Interface / Message Type:
  • Rx AAR
  • Gx-Prime CCR-I

GUI Configurable: Yes


  1. Check AAR Processing in the Error Resolution appendix of the Policy DRA User Guide to investigate and understand the circumstances where the error occurs.
  2. Go to Policy DRA NOAM GUI at Main Menu > Policy DRA > Configuration > Binding Key Priority to verify if the binding key priorities are expected (for instance IMSI and IPv56 Address are expected, but MSISDN and IPv4 are displayed instead).
  3. If the binding key priorities are not expected, reset the binding key priority in this screen properly.
  4. If the binding key priority are expected, check the validity of the received Request message as follows:

    • AVP carrying the expected key is present in the message
    • AVP carrying the expected key is correctly formed
    • AVP carrying the expected key is using a supported format (e.g. Subscription-ID AVP only Subscription-ID-Type of END_USER_E164 for MSISDN key and END_USER_IMSI for IMSI key).

  5. Go to Policy DRA NOAM GUI at Main Menu > Policy DRA > Maintenance > Binding Key Query to query the IMSI key to find all alternate keys. If alternate records exist, compare the keys from the database to the keys in the request message to see if they match exactly (e.g. no extra digits or characters, etc.)
  6. Check the Policy DRA SOAM GUI at Main Menu > Alarms & Events > View History to search for all relevant alarms/events. The alarm Display Filter may be set as Timestamp to verify all alarms generated at the same time when the error occurred.
  7. Get the measurement report from Main Menu > Measurements > Report for, but not limited to, "SBR Binding Exception," "SBR Session Exception," and "Policy DRA Diameter Exception" Measurement Groups.