Error Code 507

Associated Error Category: Policy SBR Error

Description: Policy SBR Error - ComAgent timeout

Associated P-DRA Alarm/Event: Event 22704 - Policy DRA Communication Agent Error

Associated Measurement: TxPdraErrAnsGeneratedCAFailure

Associated Diameter Interface / Message Type:
  • Gx CCR-I, CCR-U, and CCR-T
  • Rx AAR, STR
  • Gx-Prime CCR-I, CCR-U, and CCR-T

GUI Configurable: Yes


  1. Check findSessionRef Processing, findOrCreateBindingResult Processing, findOrCreateBinding Response Processing with PCRF Pool, findSession Response Processing, and AAR Processing in the Error Resolution appendix of the Policy DRA User Guide to investigate and understand the circumstances where the error occurs.
  2. Go to Policy DRA SOAM GUI at Main Menu > Communication Agent > Maintenance > Connection Status to check the server connection status. The error may be caused by a disconnection between the local and peer nodes that the message was retransmitted the maximum number of times without receiving a response. Also check the Communication Agent Service status screen that corresponds to the ServiceID in the event instance to troubleshoot the operation of the service.
  3. Get the measurement report from Main Menu > Measurements > Report for, but not limited to, "ComAgent Exception," "Connection Congestion," "SBR Binding Exception," and "Policy DRA Congestion" Measurement Groups.
  4. Check the Main Menu > Alarms & Events > View History and set the Display Filter by Events (in particular, 19810 - Communication Agent Egress Message Discarded, 19811 - Communication Agent Ingress Message Discarded, 19814 - Communication Agent Peer has not responded to heartbeat, 19832 - Communication Agent Reliable Transaction Failed, 19833 - Communication Agent Service Egress Message Discarded, 22712 - Policy SBR Communication Error, 22722 - Policy DRA Binding Sub-resource Unavailable, and 22723 - Policy DRA Session Sub-resource Unavailable. Refer to the DSR Alarms and KPIs Reference for details about these events.