Error Code 510

Associated Error Category: Binding Found But Unable To Route

Description: A slave session could not be routed because, on polling the slave, sessionRef was no longer in the binding database.

Associated P-DRA Alarm/Event: N/A

Associated Measurement: SbrSlavePollingFail

Associated Diameter Interface / Message Type:
  • Gx/Gxx CCR-I
  • Rx AAR
  • Gx-Prime CCR-I

GUI Configurable: Yes


  1. See Early binding Processing with PCRF Pool in the Error Resolution appendix of the Policy DRA User Guide to investigate and understand
  2. Go to the P-DRA SOAM GUI at Main Menu > Policy DRA > Status & Manage > Server to check binding SBRs' status.
  3. Go to the Main Menu > Alarms & Events > View History to check binding SBR's congestion alarm/event info to determine a relation with the error.
  4. Go to the Policy DRA SOAM GUI Main Menu > Measurements > Report to search for relevant measurements. Select, but not limited to, "SBR Binding Exception" Measurement Group for the measurements directly related to this error.