Error Code 521

Associated Error Category: Policy SBR Error

Description: Policy SBR Error - maximum number of Sessions per Binding is Exceeded that fails the binding creation for given IMSI of MSISDN key.

Associated P-DRA Alarm/Event: Event 22719 - Maximum Number of Sessions per Binding Exceeded (refer to the DSR Alarms and KPIs Reference for details about this event)

Associated Measurement: TxPdraAnswersGeneratedForPsbrErrResp

Associated Diameter Interface / Message Type: Gx CCR-I, CCR-U, and CCR-T

GUI Configurable: Yes


  1. Check findOrCreateBindingResult Processing and findOrCreateBinding Response Processing with PCRF Pool in the Error Resolution appendix of the Policy DRA User Guide to investigate and understand the circumstances where the error occurs.
  2. Check the Main Menu > Alarms & Events > View History and set the Display Filter by Events (in particular, 22719 - Maximum Number of Sessions per Binding Exceeded).
  3. Go to Policy DRA NOAM GUI at Main Menu > Policy DRA > Maintenance > Binding Key Query by using Event 22719 - Maximum Number of Sessions per Binding Exceeded to get all the information about session, including session-ids and PCEF FQDNs, to determine if the session is valid.
  4. If the sessions exist in the Policy DRA, but not on the PCEF(s), contact My Oracle Support (MOS) for assistance.