
Measurement Group: SBR Exception

Measurement Type: Simple

Measurement Dimension: Arrayed (by return code):
  • 0 = Unknown message type
  • 1 = SBDB is full
  • 2 = SBDB returned an error
  • 3 = Session record not found
  • 4 = Required parameter was missing
  • 5 = Request shed due to load

Description: The number of error responses sent during the collection interval.

Collection Interval: 5 min

Peg Condition: This measurement is incremented by one each time the SBR application sends an error response.

Measurement Scope: Server Group


  1. Any counts for this measurement should be investigated.
  2. For counts of unknown message type (return code 0), SBDB errors (return code 2) or missing parameters (return code 4), contact My Oracle Support (MOS) for assistance.
  3. For counts of SBDB is full messages (return code 1), additional capacity may be required. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) for assistance.
  4. Counts of missing records (return code 3) occur if a session was removed during audit and then another request was received. To prevent this, increase the Stale SBDB session binding age setting found on the CPA > Configuration > SBR pane.
  5. Any counts of requests shed due to load (return code 5) indicate that the SBR may be congested. Inspect the alarms for the SBR for more information regarding the severity of the congestion. Also check the Sbr.TxShed measurements to see which requests are being shed.