Measurement Group: Server SCCP Exception

Measurement Type: Simple

Description: The number of XUDT segments received out-of-sequence from network.

Collection Interval: 30 min

Peg Condition: On received XUDT segments with F bit set as 0 and received segments could not be attached to any open reassembly procedure (i.e. reassembly procedure was not started for this and no key found to associate the segments to a in-process reassembly)

Measurement Scope: Network, NE, Server


  1. This value provides a measure of number of segmented XUDT messages received with sequence delivery option but arrived out of sequence at SCCP Layer, during the reporting interval.
  2. For these out of sequence received XUDT segments, there is no ongoing reassembly procedure to attach these segments.
  3. Non-zero value for this measurement tag represents in-sequence routing or reassembly key uniqueness issue. Check for any related additional Events or Alarms from the server.