Measurement Group: Link Usage

Measurement Dimension: Arrayed (per link)

Measurement Type: Duration

Description: The number of seconds the link is manual out of service during the reporting period. A link is manual out of service when the link is in the Disabled administrative state.

Collection Interval: 30 min

Peg Condition: Time is accumulated for this measurement when the link administrative state is set to Disabled.
Note: The link is not considered to be manually out of service if the link is in the Enabled administrative state even if the association that hosts the link is manually out of service.

Measurement Scope: NE, Server


  1. If a non-zero value in this field is unexpected (i.e., no link maintenance is known to have occurred), the link status can be viewed from the GUI under SS7/Sigtran>Maintenance>Links.
  2. Also, look in the GUI main menu under Alarms & Events>View History in the event history for Event 19234 - Local link maintenance state change (refer to the DSR Alarms and KPIs Reference for details about this event). Event 19234 records each change in the link’s administrative state. If the link was known to be under maintenance, this value represents the number of seconds during the reporting period that the link was in the Disabled administrative state.