
Measurement Group: Link Set Usage

Measurement Dimension: Arrayed (by Linkset)

Measurement Type: Duration

Description: Total time (in seconds) that all links in the link set were unavailable to M3RL during the measurement interval, regardless of whether the links were automatically or manually made unavailable.

Collection Interval: 30 min

Peg Condition: M3RL must maintain an accurate time and measurement of the number of seconds during the collection period that the Link Set's state is Unavailable. This measurement is associated with the duration (in seconds) that Alarm 19202 - Link Set Unavailable (refer to the DSR Alarms and KPIs Reference for details about this alarm) is asserted during the collection period.

Start of duration measurement for Link Set "X" criteria:
  1. Alarm 19202 is asserted for Link Set "X."
  2. Start of new collection period AND Alarm 19202 for Linkset "X" is already asserted (during a previous collection interval).
Stop of duration measurement for Link Set "X" criteria:
  1. Alarm 19202 for Linkset "X" is cleared (i.e, Link Set becomes Available).
  2. End of collection interval.

Measurement Scope: NE, Server


This value provides a measure of the availability of a Link Set. No action required.