
The measurements framework allows applications to define, update, and produce reports for various measurements.

Measurements that are being pegged locally are collected from shared memory and stored in a disk-backed database table every 5 minutes on all servers in the network. Measurements are collected every 5 minutes on a 5 minute boundary, i.e. at HH:00, HH:05, HH:10, HH:15, and so on. The collection frequency is set to 5 minutes to minimize the loss of measurement data in case of a server failure, and also to minimize the impact of measurements collection on system performance.

All servers in the network (NOAMP, SOAM, and MP servers) store a minimum of 8 hours of local measurements data. More than 5 minutes of local measurements data is retained on each server to minimize loss of measurements data in case of a network connection failure to the server merging measurements.

Measurements data older than the required retention period are deleted by the measurements framework.

Measurements are reported in groups. A measurements report group is a collection of measurement IDs. Each measurement report contains one measurement group. A measurement can be assigned to one or more existing or new measurement groups so that it is included in a measurement report. Assigning a measurement ID to a report group ensures that when you select a report group the same set of measurements is always included in the measurements report.

Note: Measurements from a server may be missing in a report if the server is down; the server is in overload; something in the Platform merging framework is not working; or the report is generated before data is available from the last collection period (there is a 25 to 30 second lag time in availability).