
Password configuration, such as setting passwords, password history rules, and password expiration, occurs in Administration. The application provides two ways to set passwords: through the user interface, see Setting a password from the Users Administration page, and at login, see Setting a password from the System Login page.

The user interface provides two forms of password expiration. The administrative user can configure password expiration on a system-wide basis. By default, password expiration occurs after 90 days. The administrative user can also disable the password expiration function. For procedural information on configuring password expiration, see Configuring the expiration of a password.

Password expiration is also forced the first time a user logs in to the user interface. During initial user account setup, the administrative user grants the user a temporary password. When the user attempts to log in for the first time, the software forces the user to change the password. The user is redirected to page where the user must enter the old password and then enter a new, valid password twice.

A valid password: