Alarm and event types

This table describes the possible alarm/event types that can be displayed.

Note: Not all applications use all of the alarm types listed.
Alarm and Event Types
Type Name Type
APPL Application
CAF Communication Agent (ComAgent)
CAPM Computer-Aided Policy Making (Diameter Mediation)
CFG Configuration
CHG Charging
CNG Congestion Control
COLL Collection
CPA Charging Proxy Application
DAS Diameter Application Server (Message Copy)
DB Database
DIAM Diameter
DNS Domain Name Service
DPS Data Processor Server
ERA Event Responder Application
FABR Full Address Based Resolution
HA High Availability
HSS Home Subscriber Server
IDIH Integrated DIH
IF Interface
IP Internet Protocol
IPFE IP Front End
LOADGEN Load Generator
LOG Logging
MEAS Measurements
MEM Memory
NP Number Portability
OAM Operations, Administration & Maintenance
pSBR Policy SBR
PLAT Platform
PROC Process
PROV Provisioning
NAT Network Address Translation
RBAR Range-Based Address Resolution
REPL Replication
SBRA Session Binding Repository Application
SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol
SDS Subscriber Database Server
SIGC Signaling Compression
SIP Session Initiation Protocol Interface
SL Selective Logging
SS7 Signaling System 7
SSR SIP Signaling Router
SW Software (generic event type)
TCP Transmission Control Protocol