File name formats

This table describes the file name formats for files written to the file management storage area of the application. These variables are used in the file name formats:
  • <server name> or <hostname> is the server hostname from which the file is generated.
  • <application name> is the name of the application.
  • <groupname> is the type of data stored in the backup file.
  • <NodeType> specifies whether the backup was generated on an NOAMP or SOAM.
  • <time_date> or <YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS> is the date and time that the file was generated.
  • (AUTO | MAN) indicates whether the backup was automatically or manually generated.
Note: The file types listed here are among the most commonly seen in the file management storage area. The list, however, is not exhaustive and other file types may appear in the storage area.
File Name Formats
File Type File Name and Description

Backup.<application name>.<hostname>.<groupname> [And<groupname>… [And <groupname>]] .<NodeType>.YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.(AUTO | MAN).tbz2

A BZIP2 compressed tar file (tape archive format). This format can contain a collection of files in each tbz2 file. This file must be unzipped before it can be viewed.


Meas.<application name>.<server name>.<time_date>.csv

Comma-separated value file format used for storing tabular data. Measurement reports can be exported to the file management storage area, and are stored in csv format. See Exporting a Measurements Report for steps on exporting. Measurements reports generated from the SOAM GUI are limited to measurements for all MP and SOAM servers within that Network Element. A measurements report generated from an active SOAM server is identical to the one generated form a standby SOAM server since the measurements from the MPs are sent to and merged by both the SOAM servers within a Network Element.
Note: Collection of Measurement data is handled by NOAMP servers in systems that do not support SOAMs.

Logs.<application name>.<server name>.<time_date>.tgz

Log file. This is a g-zipped (GNU zip) tar file (tape archive format). This format can contain a collection of files in each tgz file. This file must be unzipped before it can be viewed.

Note: It is recommended that policies be developed to prevent overuse of the storage area. These might include a procedure to delete export files after transferring them to an alternate location, or removing backup files after a week, for example.

The Files option must have a check mark on the Administration > Group page for you to have access to the Files menu option.