General Options Administration elements

This table describes the elements of the General Options Administration page.

General Options Administration Elements
Element Description

Number of days of inactivity before a user account is disabled. (0 = never disable) [Default = 0; Range = 0-200]

Note: This feature is not enabled by default.
LockoutWindow Amount of time (in minutes) in which exceeding the maximum number of consecutive failed logins will cause an account to be locked out. (0 = unlimited)
MaxConsecutiveFailed Maximum number of consecutive failed login attempts before account is disabled. (0 = never disable) [Default = 3; Range = 0-10]
MaxPasswordHistory Maximum number of passwords maintained in history list before reuse of password is allowed. (0 = no password history) [Default = 3; Range = 0-10]
MaxRecordsPerPage The maximum number of records to display per page [Default = 20; Range = 10-100]
PasswordExpiration Time (in days) before passwords expire (0 = never) [Default = 90; Range = 0-90]

Enables SAML authentication of users. (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled).

[Default = 0]


The time (in minutes) before SAML authenticated sessions expire. (Range = 0 to 3600, 0 means no expiration).

[Default = 120]

SSOSessLife Time (in minutes) before Single Sign-on Session expires [Default = 120]

Maximum number of allowed simultaneous WAN based bulk loads.

[Default = 1; Range = 1-2]

DurableAdminState The durability state of the system where:
  • 1 = NO disk (data is replicated to the active NO only)
  • 2 = NO pair (data is replicated to both the active and standby NOs)
  • 3 = NO Disaster Recovery NO (data is replicated to the active and standby NOs, as well as the secondary NO)

[Default = 1; Range = 1-3]

DisabledAccount Message displayed when attempting to login to a disabled account
FailedLoginMessage Message displayed on failed login
IpAuthDeniedMessage Configurable portion of IP Authorization Denied message
LoginMessage Configurable portion of login message seen on the login screen
WelcomeMessage Welcome message seen after successful login.
exportDataSpaceReplace Replace a space in an export data filename or directory.(Default = underscore)