SS7/Sigtran Group Administration permissions

This table describes the SS7/Sigtran group administration permissions. The SS7/Sigtran group administration permissions are only available in products that use the SS7/Sigtran plug-in.

SS7/Sigtran Configuration Permissions
Permission Description
Adjacent Servers Grants permission to view, insert, and delete Adjacent Servers.
Adjacent Server Groups Grants permission to view, insert, edit, and delete Adjacent Server Groups.
Local Signaling Points Grants permission to view, insert, edit, delete, and generate a report on Local Signaling Points.
Remote Signaling Points Grants permission to view, insert, delete, generate a report, and view status on Remote Signaling Points.
Remote MTP3 Users Grants permission to view, insert, delete, and view the status of Remote MTP3 Users.
Link Sets Grants permission to view, insert, delete, generate a report, and view status of Link Sets.
Associations Grants permission to view, insert, edit, delete, generate a report, and view status of Associations. Grants permission to view, insert, edit, and delete an Association Configuration Set.
Links Grants permission to view, insert, delete, generate a report, and view status of a Link.
Routes Grants permission to view, insert, edit, delete, generate a report, and view status of Routes.
SCCP Options Grants permission to view and edit SCCP Options.
MTP3 Options Grants permission to view and edit MTP3 Options.
M3UA Options Grants permission to view and edit MTP3 Options.
Local Congestion Options Grants permission to view Local Congestion Options.
Local SCCP Users Grants permission to view, insert, delete, generate a report, and view status of the Local SCCP Users.
SS7/Sigtran Maintenance permissions
Permission Description
Local SCCP Users Grants permission to view the status of Local SCCP Users and to enable and disable LSUs.
Remote Signaling Points Grants permission to view the status of Remote Signaling Points and to reset the network status of routes.
Remote MTP3 Users Grants permission to view the status of Remote MTP3 Users and to reset the subsystem and point code status.
Link Sets Grants permission to view the status of Link Sets.
Links Grants permission to view the status of Links and to enable and disable Links.
Associations Grants permission to view the status of Associations and to enable, disable, and block Associations.
SS7/Sigtran Command Line Interface
Command Import Grants permission to use the Command Import page.