Deleting a group

Note that you cannot delete a predefined group provided during installation. See Pre-defined User and Group for more information on this group.

Use this procedure to delete a group:

  1. Select Administration > Group.

    The Group Administration page appears.

  2. Select the appropriate group from the Group pulldown menu.
  3. Scroll to the Group Members pane at the bottom of the page.

    The Group Members pane lists all usernames associated with the group. If there are usernames associated with the group, you must delete the usernames or assign them to another group prior to deleting the group.

  4. Perform these steps to remove any associated usernames from the group:
    1. Click a username. The User Administration page appears. The page is populated with data associated with the selected username.
    2. To delete the username, click Delete User and then OK to confirm the deletion.
    3. To change the group assignment for the username, select a group from the Group pulldown menu and then click Update.
    4. Select Administration>Group to return to the Group Administration page.
    5. Perform these substeps until all usernames are removed from the Group Members pane. TheGroup Members pane displays None when all username associations are remove
  5. Click Delete.

    A confirmation box appears.

  6. Click OK to delete the group. The Delete button grays out after the operation is performed.

The group is removed from the database.