Preparing a server for upgrade

After backing up your server information and cleaning up your ISO images, the server must be prepared for the upgrade. Before a server can be upgraded it must be in the Ready state. This state allows the server to be upgraded. Preparing the server performs an Upgrade Ready Check with errors and warnings based on Upgrade Criteria.

The process of putting a server into the Ready state can take some time to complete, because processes have to shutdown gracefully. The page will refresh automatically and display updates to the server status as they become available.

As part of the transition to Ready state, the following changes occur:
  • The server is placed in Forced Standby
  • The application is Disabled
  • On the Upgrade Administration page, Ready appears in the Upgrade State column.
  • The Initiate and Complete buttons are enabled and the Prepare button is disabled when servers in the Ready state are selected.
    Note: Disabled buttons appear grayed out.

Use the following procedure to prepare the server for backup:

  1. Select Administration > Software Management > Upgrade.

    The Upgrade page appears.

  2. Highlight the desired server(s) from the listing.
  3. Select Prepare. The Prepare Update page appears.
  4. Select Prepare from the drop down listing next to the appropriate server name.
  5. Select OK.

The system prepares the server for upgrade and returns the server to the listing with a Ready state.