Configuring data export

The Data Export page enables you to configure a server to receive exported performance and configuration data. Use this procedure to configure data export.

  1. Select Administration > Remote Servers > Data Export.

    The Data Export page appears.

  2. Enter a Hostname.

    See the Data Export elements for details about the Hostname field and other fields that appear on this page.

  3. Enter a Username.
  4. Enter a Directory Path on the Export server.
  5. Enter the Path to Rsync on the Export server.
  6. Select whether to enable the transfer of the backup file. To leave the backup disabled, do not check the box.
  7. Select the File Compression type.
  8. Select the Upload Frequency.
  9. If you selected hourly for the upload frequency, select the Minute intervals.
  10. If you selected daily or weekly for the upload frequency, select the Time of Day.
  11. If you selected weekly for the upload frequency, select the Day of the Week.
  12. Click Exchange SSH Key to transfer the SSH keys to the export server.

    A password dialog box appears.

  13. Enter the password.

    The server will attempt to exchange keys with the specified export server. After the SSH keys are successfully exchanged, continue with the next step.

  14. Click OK or Apply.

    The export server is now configured and available to receive performance and configuration data.