Transferring ISOs

The GUI provides the capability to transfer ISO files from the file management area of the active network OAMP server to one or more servers. Use this procedure to transfer an ISO.

  1. Select Administration > Software Management > ISO Deployment.

    The ISO Administration page appears.

  2. Click Transfer ISO.

    The ISO Transfer page appears.

  3. Select the ISO file to transfer from the Select ISO to Transfer pulldown list.
  4. Click to select the target systems or servers for the ISO file. To select more than one system or server, press and hold the Ctrl key when clicking to select.
  5. To perform media validation, select the Perform Media Validation before Transfer check box.
  6. Click OK.
Note: You cannot cancel once the validation/transfer process begins.

The ISO administration page appears again, with the status of the validation/transfer displayed in the green message box.

If Perform Media Validation before Transfer was selected, then the selected ISO file is validated at the network OAMP. If validation is successful, the file transfer begins. If validation fails, Failed appears in the Transfer Status column, an error appears in the message box (which is now red), and the transfer is aborted.

During the file transfer, In Progress appears in the Transfer Status field for the servers receiving the ISO file. To view a change in the Transfer Status for a server, you must click Refresh in the green message box. When the transfer is successfully completed, Complete appears in the Transfer Status field.

For a complete list of steps in the upgrade process, see the Upgrade procedure included in the Upgrade Kit.