Backing up full configuration prior to an upgrade

It is recommended that you back up your server's full configuration prior to an upgrade. The configuration backup of a server runs in the background, enabling you to continue working while a backup is in process.

To backup a server prior to an upgrade:

  1. Select Administration > Software Management > Upgrade.

    The Upgrade page appears.

  2. (Optional) If you would like to selectively back up individual servers, highlight the server(s) from the listing. Prior to backup, the server must be in the Backup Needed or Ready state. If you would like to back up the entire server group, leave all servers unselected.
  3. Select Backup.

    The Upgrade (Backup) form appears.

  4. On the Upgrade (Backup) form, select Exclude (to perform a full backup of the COMCOL run environment, excluding the database parts specified in the files) or Do Not Exclude (to perform a full backup of the COMCOL run environment without excluding any database parts, which is a longer procedure and produces larger backup files).
  5. Select OK to run the back up procedure.

The backup process saves server information in the background for either all the servers that are available for backup, or just for the selected server(s).