Completing and accepting an upgrade

After backing up the server information, cleaning up the ISO images, preparing the server to be upgraded by changing the state to Ready, and initiating the upgrade, the upgrade must be completed and accepted. Completing an upgrade returns the server to the previous state and removes the Forced Standby. Accepting the upgrade confirms that the upgrade is correct and signals the end of the upgrade process.

Use the following procedure to complete an upgrade:

  1. Select Administration > Software Management > Upgrade.

    The Upgrade page appears.

  2. Highlight the server(s) from the listing.
  3. Select Complete.

    The server returns to the Not Ready state and the application restarts. An alarm is sent to COMCOL and the Accept and Reject buttons are activated.

  4. Confirm the need to upgrade the system files.

    Note: It is not necessary to select Accept in any timely fashion. The decision may be made to test the new upgraded system and confirm there is no need to revert before accepting the upgrade. Once an upgrade is accepted, the backup configuration files are deleted.

  5. Select Accept to complete the upgrade.

The upgrade is complete.