PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rules

The PCRF Sub-Pool Selection table contains rules for selection of a PCRF Sub-Pool for a given PCRF Pool and Origin-Host value.

It is sometimes necessary to subdivide a PCRF Pool into sub-pools; for example, to support controlled routing of traffic to a new PCRF. In such a case, you can configure PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rules to a selected a sub-pool on the basis of the Origin-Host of the binding capable session initiation request.

A PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rule has the following attributes:

An APN-to-PCRF Pool mapping specifies that all binding-capable session initiation requests that result in creation of a new binding should be routed to a PCRF in PCRF Pool 'X'.

A PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rule can override the APN-to-PCRF Pool mapping by specifying binding-capable session initiation requests that result in new bindings that were destined for PCRF Pool 'X', but come from PCEF 'Y', should be routed to a PCRF in PCRF Sub-Pool 'Z'.

A PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rule will never be considered if no APN is mapped to its PCRF Pool. As a result, it is safe to add PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rules prior to mapping APNs to the PCRF Pool that is being subdivided. It is also acceptable to add PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rules for a PCRF Pool that is already mapped to an APN. However, if this is done, bindings that were created prior to the existence of the PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rule take precedence over the PCRF Sub-Pool chosen for new binding-capable session initiation requests that arrive after the new rule is in place. This behavior is necessary to prevent split bindings.

PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rules are configured using the NOAMP GUI as a network-wide managed object.

The creation of a new PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rule does not affect P-DRA signaling in any way until both of the following conditions exist:
When a PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rule entry is added, new bindings from that APN and Origin-Host will be routed to a PCRF in the specified PCRF Sub-Pool. When a PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rule is mapped to a PCRF Sub-Pool, a check is performed to determine if the selected PCRF Sub-Pool is configured with a PRT mapping at each site. If at least one site does not have a mapping for the selected PCRF Sub-Pool, a confirmation dialog is displayed that including a warning as follows:
The PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rule GUI prevents creation of rules that are:
Two rules are considered as ambiguous if the following criteria are met:
Two rules are considered to be conflicting if all of the following criteria are met:
Two rules are considered to be duplicate if all of the following criteria are met: