Diameter Configuration for PCA

The PCA application requires configuration of several Diameter Configuration components before the PCA configuration can be performed.

All Diameter Configuration components are configured using the SOAM GUI.

Use the explanations and procedures in the Diameter Configuration online help and the Diameter User Guide to complete the configuration of the Diameter Configuration components for the system, including the following Diameter Configuration components for use with the PCA application.
  1. Application Ids

    Use the Diameter > Configuration > Application Ids [Insert] page to define an Application Id for each Diameter interface that will be used by PCA in the system.

    PCA supports the following values that can be selected in the Application Id Value pulldown list:
    • 4 - Diameter Credit Control
    • 16777236 – 3GPP Rx
    • 16777238 – 3GPP Gx
    • 16777238 – 3GPP Gx-Prime
    • 16777266 – 3GPP Gxx
    • 16777267 – 3GPP S9
    • 4294967295 – Relay
    Note: Gx-Prime shares the same Application Id as Gx. To distinguish between them, the content of the Diameter message is checked against a configured Application Routing Table to determine if the message originates from a Gx or Gx-Prime interface.

    PCA always attempts to route using Peer Route Tables. The Peer Route Table can be configured here for each Application Id, or can be configured for Peer Nodes. If neither is configured, the Default Peer Route Table will be used. See PCA Routing of Diameter Messages.

  2. CEX Parameters

    Use the Diameter > Configuration > CEX Parameters [Insert] page to define the Capability Exchange parameters for each Application Id that was configured for use by PCA:

    For each Application Id, select or enter:
    • Application Id Type – Authentication
    • Vendor Specific Application Id, if the Application Id and Vendor Id will be grouped in a Vendor-specific Application Id AVP
    • Vendor Id – if Vendor Specific Application Id is selected
      The Vendor ID 10415 is defined in 3GPP as follows:
      • Gx: 16777238 with Vendor-Id of 10415 (Defined in 3GPP 29.212)
      • Gx-Prime: 16777238 with Vendor-Id of 10415 (Defined in 3GPP 29.212)
      • Gxx: 16777266 with Vendor-Id of 10415 (Defined in 3GPP 29.212)
      • Rx: 16777236 with Vendor-Id of 10415 (Defined in 3GPP 29.214)
      • S9: 16777267 with Vendor-Id of 10415 (Defined in 3GPP 29.215)
  3. CEX Configuration Sets
    Use the Diameter > Configuration > Configuration Sets > CEX Configuration Sets [Insert] page to select the configured CEX parameters to use in:
    • A CEX Configuration Set to be used for connections with the PCEF nodes (Gx)
    • A CEX Configuration Set to be used for connections with the AF nodes (Rx)
    • A CEX Configuration Set to be used connections with the PCRF/OCS nodes (Gx and Rx)
    • CEX Configuration Sets to be used with any other types of nodes, such as BBERF (Gxx)
    • A CEX Configuration Set named Default is provided for the Relay Application Id; it can be edited if needed.
  4. Local Nodes (PCA DA-MPs)

    Use the Diameter > Configuration > Local Nodes [Insert] page to configure the PCA DA-MPs as Local Nodes in the system.

    The pulldown list of IP Addresses contains the XSI addresses configured on DSR MP Servers.

  5. Peer Nodes

    Use the Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes [Insert] page to configure PCEFs, AFs, BBERFs, and any other types of nodes as Peer Nodes to the PCA DA-MPs in the system. (PCA DA-MPs can also be Peer Nodes to each other at different sites.)

    See PCA Routing of Diameter Messages for details on routing of messages for PCA.

  6. Connections

    Use the Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes [Insert] page to configure connections between the PCA DA-MPs and the Peer Nodes.

    Any IPFE Target Set Address (TSA) that is used to configure a connection must use the same Transport Protocol (SCTP or TCP) that is selected to configure the connection.

  7. Route Groups

    Use the Diameter > Configuration > Route Groups [Insert] page to configure Route Groups for use with PCA Peers.

    For priority-based initial CCR-I routing, configure N+1 Route Groups where N is the number of PCRF/OCSs in the system. The first N Route Groups contain one corresponding PCRF/OCS Peer Node in each one, and the last Route Group contains all PCRF/OCSs.

    The goal is to setup a routing configuration such that if there is no route available to the suggested PCRF/OCS in an initial (binding capable) session Request, Diameter automatically sends the Request messages to any other available PCRF/OCS.

    Define a Route Group for each PCRF/OCS; enter the Route Group Name, select the Peer Node name (PCRF/OCS name) and enter the Provisioned Capacity as 1.

    Define a last Route Group for all PCRF/OCSs; enter the Route Group Name, then add a Peer Node, Connection and Capacity entry for every PCRF/OCS. Select the Peer Node (PCRF/OCS) and enter the Provisioned Capacity as 1 for each PCRF/OCS entry.

  8. Route Lists

    Use the Diameter > Configuration > Route Lists [Insert] page to configure Route Lists for use with the configured Route Groups.

    For priority-based initial session binding, configure N Route Lists where N is the number of PCRF/OCSs in the system.

    All Route Lists must contain at least two Route Groups, one for a single PCRF/OCS and one for all PCRF/OCSs.

    Assign Priority value 1 to each Route Group for a single PCRF/OCS; assign Priority value 2 to the Route Group containing all the PCRF/OCSs.

    Enter 1 for the Minimum Route Group Availability Weight in all of the Route Lists.

  9. Peer Route Table and Peer Routing Rules

    Use the Diameter > Configuration > Peer Route Tables [Insert] page to configure new Peer Route Tables if needed, and the Viewing Rules for Peer Route Table page to configure Peer Routing Rules, such that DSR forwards messages based on the PCRF/OCS preference.

    Peer Routing Rules can be added to the Default Peer Route Table (PRT) or to new Peer Route Tables.

    See PCA Routing of Diameter Messages for details on PRT routing of PCA messages.

    The routing configuration will ensure that whenever PCA requests Diameter to route to a particular PCRF/OCS based on the PRT:
    • If the PCRF/OCS is available, Diameter will route to it.
    • If the PCRF/OCS is not available, Diameter will route the message to any other available PCRF/OCS.
  10. Application Route Tables and Application Routing Rules

    Use the Diameter > Configuration > Application Route Tables [Insert] page to configure new Application Routing Rules, if needed for each Diameter interface (such as GxGx-Prime, or Rx) that is configured in an Application Name, to be used for Diameter routing of messages to the PCA application. PCA must receive all Diameter Requests.

    Use the Viewing Rules for Applicatin Route Table page to view existing Rule Names, configure new rules, or edit and delete existing Application Routing Rules.

    Application Routing Rules can be added to the Default Application Route Table or to new Application Route Tables.

    For each rule, enter or select:
    • Rule Name for a configured Application Id (Diameter interface)
    • Priority
    • In Conditions, select a hyperlink to view the associated Diameter > Configuration > Application Ids (Filtered) page for configured for PCA.
    • Application Name - PCA
    • Gx-Prime
    • Applicaton Route table