Setting General Options

Use this task to set General Options on the NOAM.

The fields are described in General Options elements.

The following general options can apply to the configuration of Policy and Charging:
  • Policy DRA Enabled
  • Online Charging DRA Enabled
  • The number of Policy Binding Server Groups
  • The number of Policy and Charging Session Server Groups
  1. Select Policy and Charging > Configuration > General Options.

    The General Options page appears.

  2. The Policy DRA Enabled check box allows the user to enable or disable Policy DRA.
  3. The Online Charging DRA Enabled check box allows the user to enable or disable Online Charging DRA.
  4. Enter a number in the Number of Policy Binding Server Groups Value field.
  5. Enter a number in the Number of Policy and Charging Session Server Groups Value field.
  6. Enter a number in the Default Stale Session Timeout Value field.
  7. Enter a number in the Maximum Audit Frequency Value field.
  8. Click:
    • Apply to save the changes and remain on this page.
    • Cancel to discard changes and remain on the Policy and Charging > Configuration > General Options page.

    If Apply is clicked and the following condition exists, an error message appears:
    • The entered Default Stale Session Timeout value contains invalid characters, is out of the allowed range, or the field is empty.