Deleting an OCS

Use the following procedure to delete an OCS.

This procedure describes the recommended steps for deleting an OCS from a Policy and Charging configuration. In this procedure, OCS refers to a Diameter peer of the PCA, which is sometimes referred to as an OCS Front-end.

The OCS procedure minimizes disruption to policy signaling by:
  • Preventing sessions from creating new bindings to an OCS that has been removed
  • Allowing sessions with existing bindings to continue to use an OCS that has been removed until those sessions terminate normally

The following procedure describes the recommended steps for deletion of an OCS from a Policy and Charging configuration. In this procedure, OCS refers to a Diameter peer of the PCA, sometimes referred to as an OCS Front-End.

Note: The PCRF removal procedure is restricted to SOAM servers.
  1. Use Main Menu > Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes from the SOAM GUI page to determine the Peer Node name of the OCS(s) being removed.
  2. Use Main Menu > Diameter > Configuration > Route Groups from the SOAM GUI page, use the GUI filter by Peer Node with the corresponding Peer Node name of the OCS. This will display only the Route Groups that are associated with the OCS.
  3. From the same GUI page, determine if there are any Route Groups that contain other Peer Nodes in addition to the OCS to be removed.

    There are generally at least two Route Groups for each OCS. One Route Group with only the specified OCS peer, and one or more Route Groups with the specified OCS peer plus other OCS peers. The goal is to leave the route group with only the specified OCS peer, but delete the OCS peer from the other route groups. This allows routing for existing bindings to the OCS peer, but prevents alternate routing to the OCS peer.

  4. From the same GUI page, edit each of the determined Route Groups and remove the OCS/OCS Front-End Peer Nodes from the Route Group.

    This prevents alternate routing selection of the OCS peer being removed.

  5. Use Main Menu > Policy and Charging > Configuration > Online Charging DRA > OCSs from the SOAM GUI page to delete the OCS.

    This prevents new Bindings from using the OCS peer being removed.

  6. After enough time has elapsed such that all Diameter sessions that could be bound to the OCS peer should have terminated normally, use Main Menu > Policy and Charging > Configuration > Online Charging DRA > OCSs on the SOAM GUI page to delete the route group containing only the OCS peer being removed.
  7. Use Main Menu > Diameter > Maintenance > Connections from the SOAM GUI page to find the connection for the OCS Peer Node and disable it
  8. Use Main Menu > Diameter > Maintenance > Connections from the SOAM GUI page to delete the connection to the OCS Peer Node.
  9. Use Main Menu > Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes from the SOAM GUI page to delete the Diameter Peer Node for the OCS being removed.