Editing PCRF Pool to PRT Mapping

Use this task to edit PCRF Pool to PRT Mapping settings.

  1. On the Active SOAM, select Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > PCRF Pool to PRT Mapping.

    The Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > PCRF Pool to PRT Mapping page appears. The page displays a list of PCRF Pools or Sub-Pools configured at the NOAMP .

  2. Select a row to edit (click in the row, but do not click on a specific element within the row).

    DO NOT click the blue PCRF Pool Name or the Peer Route Table Name (unless you want to view the PCRF Pools (Filtered) page or the Peer Routes Table (Filtered) page. The blue color indicates a hyper-link. The PCRF Pool Name hyper-link opens the Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > PCRF Pools (Filtered) page and the Peer Route Table hyper-link opens the Diameter > Configuration > Peer Routes Table (Filtered) page.

    If the PCRF Pool has NOT been assigned a Peer Route Table record, Not Selected is displayed in red in the Peer Route Table Name column. This helps to inform the SOAM user that the PCRF Pool should be mapped to a Peer Route Table.

  3. (optional) Click Pause updates to suppress the automatic page refresh function. The default is Unchecked.

    Pause updating applies to all rows on the screen. If you add a new PCRF Pool at the NOAMP, a new row automatically appears on the SOAM PCRF Pool to PRT Mapping page the next time an update occurs.

  4. Click Edit. The PCRF Pool To PRT Mapping [Edit] page is displayed.

    The Peer Route Table Name pulldown menu initially displays the Peer Route Table from the row being edited and contains all configured Peer Route Tables and Not Selected. Not Selected provides backwards compatibility for users who had the Site Options Peer Route Table Name set to Not Selected. When Not Selected is chosen, PCA does not instruct DRL to use an application specified PRT, but enables DRL use its normal PRT precedence for PRT selection instead. If Edit is clicked and the PCRF Pool Name of the selected row has been deleted, an error is displayed and this row is no longer displayed. If Edit is clicked and the PCRF Pool Name of the selected row still exists (has not been retired), the PCRF Pool To PRT Mapping [Edit] page is displayed with data populated from the selected row.

  5. Select an item from the Peer Route Table Name pulldown menu. The default is Not Selected, and the range is All Peer Route Tables configured at this site.
  6. Click:
    • OK to save the selection and return to the Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > PCRF Pool to PRT Mapping page.
    • Apply to save the selection and remain on this page.
    • Cancel to return to the Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > PCRF Pool to PRT Mapping page without saving any changes.

    Additionally, the following can occur as a result of clicking Ok or Apply:
    • If the selected PCRF Pool Name or the Peer Route Table Name entry no longer exists (it was deleted by another user from the NOAMP), an error message is displayed on the PCRF Pool To PRT Mapping [Edit] page and no changes are made to the database.
    • If all the data syntax validation as per each field's description does not meet requirements, an error message is displayed.
    • If the PRT selection has changed from a PRT name to Not Selected and the corresponding PCRF Pool is mapped to an APN, a confirmation message is displayed with the text: "PCRF Pool <PCRF Pool Name> is currently used for bindings originating from at least one APN. Changing the PRT entry to 'Not Selected' may cause these bindings to fail if originated at this site. Click Ok to continue or Cancel to return to the PCRF Pool To PRT Mapping screen."
    • If the PRT selection has changed from a PRT name to Not Selected and the corresponding PCRF Pool is specified as the PCRF Sub-Pool in a PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rule, a confirmation dialog is displayed with the text: "PCRF Pool <PCRF Sub-Pool Name> is currently used for bindings that match PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rule <PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rule Name>. Changing the PRT entry to 'Not Selected' may cause these bindings to fail if originated at this site. Click Ok to continue or Cancel to return to the PCRF Pool To PRT Mapping screen."