Inserting PCRFs

Use this task to insert (create new) PCRFs.

The fields are described in PCRFs elements.

  1. On the Active SOAM, select Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > PCRFs.

    The Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > PCRFs page appears.

  2. Click Insert.

    The Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > PCRFs [Insert] page opens.

  3. Enter a unique PCRF Peer Node Name in the PCRF Peer Node Name field.

    This name uniquely identifies the PCRF Peer Node to be included in the load distribution of new bindings to PCRFs.

  4. Enter an optional comment in the Comments field.
  5. Click:
    • OK to save the new PCRF and return to the Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > PCRFs page.
    • Apply to save the new PCRF and remain on this page.
    • Cancel to return to the Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > PCRFs page without saving any changes.

    If OK or Apply is clicked and any of the following conditions exist, an error message appears:
    • The entered PCRF is not unique (already exists).
    • Any fields contain a value that contains invalid characters or is out of the allowed range.
    • Any required field is empty (not entered).
    • Adding the new PCRF would cause the maximum number of PCRFs (2500) to be exceeded.