Status Verification

Use the following task to verify PCA and SBR status after configuration is complete.

  1. Verify Communication Agent (ComAgent) HA Services Status.
    1. At the Active NOAM, select Communication Agent > Maintenance > Connection Status.
    2. Verify that Resource Routing Status is Available for all listed User/Provider entries.
  2. Verify the ComAgent Automatic Connection Status.
    1. At the Active NOAM, select Communication Agent > Maintenance > HA Services Status
    2. Verify that Automatic Connection Count is X of Y In Service, where Y >= X and X = Y indicate successful Automatic Connection setup.
  3. Verify SBR Status.
    1. At the Active NOAM, select Policy and Charging > Maintenance > SBR Status.
    2. Verify that the server Resource HA Role is Active/Standby/Spare and Congestion Level is Normal for all Servers in each Server Group in the Binding Region and Mated Site tab entries.