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Oracle® Communications Operations Monitor User's Guide
Release 3.3.80

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14 Public CDR Generation


CDR file generation can be enabled and disabled using the system setting Enable CDR Writer.

Oracle Communications Operations Monitor creates call detail records (CDR files) in CSV format. The files are placed in the cdr/ directory from the FTP/FTPS root. The CDR files have the following format:



The files are rotated when they reach their maximum size. The maximum size is configurable from the System Settings (by default, 50000 records). When a CSV file is finished, another empty file having the following format is created:


Several times per day, old CDR files are compressed to files having the following format, while the corresponding uncompressed files are deleted:


The recommended way of gathering the CDR files is to connect via FTP/FTPS, copy and delete all the files ending in csv.gz. Alternatively, to get the CDR data in near real time, the CDR files that have a corresponding .FIN file can be copied and deleted.

Operations Monitor automatically limits the size of the cdr/ directory to 1 GB, by deleting the oldest files.

One record (CDR) for each call seen is created (entries are created only for successfully established calls, failed calls do not appear in the CDR files). If the call is visible in different segments, all of them are taken into account for computing the call details, but only a single record will be written. The call details are always the same as presented in Operations Monitor’s web interface.

Operations Monitor also allows the creation of periodic CDRs for a call while a call is still active. This functionality can be enabled and disabled by using the system setting CDR Interim Update Interval.

By default the value should be 0. A value of 0 means no periodic CDR. The legal values for the system setting are between 1 and 10. This value represents the number of minutes at which a periodic CDR entry will be added to the CDR file.


Activating the periodic CDR functionality will have an adverse effect on performance.

Table 14-1 lists the fields present in the generated CSV files:

Table 14-1 CDR CSV Fields

Field Description


Used for the periodic CDR. Can be one of the following:

  • start. This is the first CDR for an established call.

  • update. This is a periodic CDR update for an already established call.

  • stop. This is either the last CDR that closes an already established call or it is not a periodic CDR or it is a canceled/failed call. To determine which of the above it is read the sequence_number CDR field and also the state_msg.


The average of MOS estimation values according to the E-model, computed by Operations Monitor either from the RTP stream or from the end point messages, depending on availability.


Average RTCP delay in milliseconds:

  • If there is RTCP-XR with a delay value, this value is used. If there are multiple streams with RTCP-XR delay values, the average of those values is used.

  • If there is no RTCP-XR delay value, the RTCP delay is calculated using pairs of RTCP Sender Reports (see RFC 3550)


The Call-ID header value from the initial INVITE.


The duration in milliseconds of the call. The time is measured from the final successful message until the first BYE message.


This field contains a "; " (semicolon) separated list of the parameters of the first Diversion header we see in the call.


This field contains the uri of the first Diversion header we see in the call.


The codecs, in order, offered by the callee. In case the codecs are changed during the call by using re-INVITEs, this field will contain the last offer of the callee.


Destination IP address of the first INVITE message.


Destination hardware address of the first INVITE message.


Transport layer port of the first INVITE message.


User agent string of the callee.


SIP URI of the callee as present in the From header field.


The user to which the call is addressed. This is usually taken from the To header field of the first call leg, or as defined by the Number Determination algorithm.


If the called user string is defined as the result of the Number Determination algorithm, this field is set to the numerical ID of the matching Number Determination rule.


The value of the dtg URI parameter from the Request-URI of the initial INVITE.


Comma-separated list of numerical device IDs of the egress devices for the call, that is, through which the call leaves the platform.


The value of the tag parameter from the From header of the initial INVITE.


Unique identifier of the call within the Operations Monitor core instance.


Comma-separated list of numerical device IDs of the ingress devices for the call, that is, through which the call enters the platform.


Comma-separated list of numerical device IDs of the initiator devices for the call, that is, of devices that initiated a call segment without incoming segments.


Maximum RTCP delay in milliseconds. This is the maximum value of RTCP delay values seen across all streams for this call.


Comma-separated list of hexadecimal strings that can be used to correlate CDRs found on multiple Mediation Engines.


Comma-separated list of storage locations for Media Leg details. Voice quality records are kept in separate CSV files with Media Detail Records. For more information, see "Voice Quality Records (MDRs)".

If an MDR is related to this call, its media_leg_location field will match one of the CDR media_leg_locations.

Note: There may be locations without MDRs if no RTP stream was seen by Operations Monitor.


String with the IP address of the H.248/Megaco Media Gateway.


String with the IP address of the MGCP Media Gateway.


The minimum MOS estimation according to the E-model, computed by Operations Monitor either from the RTP stream or from the end point messages, depending on availability.


The value of the otg URI parameter from the From header of the initial INVITE.


The uri of the P-Asserted-Identity of the initial INVITE.


Identifier of the Operations Monitor core instance that created the record.


The value of the Privacy header of the initial INVITE.


This header contains the Q.850 cause code learned from native Q.850/ISUP signaling and NOT SIP.


Comma-separated list of numerical IDs of the realms the call belongs to.


The Request-URI from the initial INVITE.


A sequence number for each periodic CDR update entry. Is unique in the context of each call. For non-Periodic CDR it should always have the value of 1.


UNIX timestamp of the initial INVITE message.


The duration in milliseconds of the call setup. The time is measured from the first INVITE message until the final successful answer.


The SIP response code of the last received message from the INVITE transaction. For Failed calls, this represents the SIP error code.


The code value of the SIP Reason header.


If there is a Reason header then this field shall contains the protocol of that header. Can be one of the following:

  • SIP

  • Q.850


The text explanation contained in the SIP Reason header. If the protocol is Q.850 then this field will be empty.


The codecs, in order, offered by the caller. In case the codecs are changed during the call by using re-INVITEs, this field will contain the last offer of the caller.


Source IP address of the first INVITE message.


Source hardware address of the first INVITE message.


Transport layer port of the first INVITE message.


User Agent string of the caller.


SIP URI of the caller as present in the From header field.


The user making the call. This is usually taken from the From header field of the first call leg or as defined by the Number Determination algorithm.


If the calling user string is defined as the result of the Number Determination algorithm, this field is set to the numerical ID of the matching Number Determination rule.


Operations Monitor can add details about the call state. Example: BYE seen but no 200 OK.


Call state. It can be one of the following:

  • Established. The call was successfully established.

  • Redirected. The call was not established but was redirected.

  • Finished. The call was successfully established and closed.

  • Timed out. The call was successfully established but the BYE message was never received, so it expired.

  • Error. The call was not recognized properly.

  • Unauthorized.

  • Canceled.

  • Failed. The call failed to get established, or there was some other reason for not being successful.

  • Not found. 404 User not found, 604.

  • Off-line. 480.

  • Busy. 486, 600.

  • Terminated. 487 If a call is ISUP based, state message might differ.


Comma-separated list of numerical device IDs of the terminator devices for the call, that is, of devices that terminated a call segment without outgoing segments.


The value of the tag parameter from the To header of the initial INVITE.


Comma-separated list of numerical device IDs of traversed devices for the call, that is, of devices that have both incoming and outgoing segments.


Unique identifier for the call, generated from the Call-ID, to_tag, and from_tag. Can be used for merging the CDRs generated by different Operations Monitor instances.


The fields ts, setup_time, and call_time are time related.
  • Because the hardware clock of the Operations Monitor server has limited precision over time, we recommend configuring NTP servers.

  • The timestamp precision may be affected by the delays introduced by tapping devices. The timestamp of the message is always saved the moment it reaches Operations Monitor’s network interface.

  • The fields setup_time and call_time are computed by subtracting the timestamps of the messages INVITE, 200 OK, and BYE with a precision of milliseconds.

The field sip_code in the final CDR of periodic CDRs of a canceled call may be 200 (from the response to CANCEL) instead of 487 because writing the CDR is triggered after the end of the CANCEL transaction.