This tool converts topics in a published Player package into movie (.mp4) files. The movies are completely self-contained and can be posted anywhere for viewing.


During the conversion process, each selected topic plays automatically in See It! mode. A recorder captures the playback, including sound, if any, and stores it in an .mp4 file. Decision frames are ignored, and the first decision path is used. The content should not contain any frames with an infinite delay. In addition, the content must be played from a web server for recording.



During recording, all system audio is captured, including system sounds, email notification sounds, and so on. If sound is included in the content, you should turn off all system sounds so that no alert sounds are inadvertently included.


Note: Adobe Flash Player is required for sound playback in the Player.


Recording on Virtual Machines

Using this tool on a virtual machine is not supported.

Recording on Windows 7

If you use this tool on a computer with the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system, choosing an Aero desktop theme is highly recommended. This enables the recorder to capture any parts of the See It! window that are not on the screen or are otherwise hidden behind other windows. Recording would still run without an Aero theme, but only the visible portion of the recording window is captured, and the movie file would include windows that are in front of the See It! window.



The Player2Movie window includes four tabs with the following options:

To convert topics to movie files:

  1. Publish a Player package containing the topics you want to record. Include sound, if desired.
  2. Place the published Player package on a web server.
  3. Launch the Player2Movie.exe file from the folder where the Developer is installed.
  4. In the Player URL field, enter the URL for the location of the Player package (step 2). This location should be the root of the Player package and should contain the kp.xml file.
  5. Click to refresh the list of topics.
     Note: It is a good idea to refresh the list of topics each time you launch the converter, to ensure you are seeing the latest list.
  6. In the Output folder field, enter a location for the movie files. You can type a location or use the Browse button to navigate to it.
     Note: If the topics are large and you expect large movie files, it is recommended that the output folder be on a local computer rather than a network location, if possible.
  7. Click the Options tab and set the frame rate and the audio recording device, if necessary.
  8. Click the List of Topics or Outlilne Tree tab, and select the topics you want to record. On the List of Topics tab, you can sort by any of the columns, and you can click the check box at the top to select all of the topics. On the Outline Tree tab, expand the outline as necessary to select the topics.
  9. Click to begin recording. If you selected multiple topics, they will automatically record one after the other. Each topic is a separate movie file. The recorder window closes automatically when recording is complete.

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