When a topic is launched from the LMS, the concept and available play modes are shown. The topic is considered started and the completion status is set to "incomplete". If the user launches and completes the required mode for the topic, the completion status is set to "completed" for required modes other than Know It?. If the required mode is Know It?, then the completion status is set to either "passed" or "failed" depending on the score received. If the required mode is completed, the topic is marked complete whether the user has played the topic in any other mode or not.   

If the user navigates away from the topic before completing it, the completion status remains "incomplete" and the exit state is set to "suspend". The user can later come back to the topic, complete the required mode, and complete the topic.


Required Mode 

When you publish content to the Player, you can specify which topic play modes are available to the user in an LMS. The options you choose affects which play mode(s) are optional and which mode is required for completion. If the required play mode is complete, the topic is marked complete whether the user has played the topic in any other mode or not.  


Know It? mode is the highest priority mode, followed by Try It!, See It!, Print It!, and Do It!. The highest priority mode available is the mode required for completion.


Note: A topic can be published with no play modes available. In this case, the topic is completed when its concept is viewed.

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