In addition to package files and web pages, you can also enhance your content by linking it to URLs. This allows you to link to information that is created and maintained outside the Library and is accessed directly on the Internet or a local intranet. You can use this option for any valid URL, including mailto and ftp links. For example, you can use a URL attachment to link from the Introduction frame of a topic to your corporate web site. Alternatively, you can use a mailto URL link to your help desk to allow users to easily submit questions or comments while they are viewing your content in the Player. 

Note: Clicking a mailto link in the Developer or Player launches the default e-mail program specified on the user's computer and opens a new mail message with the mailto address included in the To field. You can also include a default subject and/or message text by using the "subject" and/or "body" attributes of the mailto tag.

When you use links to URL attachments, you must take three issues into consideration:

When you link to a URL as the concept of a module, section, or topic, users can access the target Internet or intranet site from the Concept pane in the Player window. When you link to a URL from a frame in a topic, an icon representing the link appears in the bubble in Try It! mode or in the bubble or window in Do It! mode for that frame. If the URL is linked to the Introduction frame of a topic, its icon appears in the Introduction pane of the Player window. In each case, a user can click the icon to view the contents of the target Internet or intranet site.

In addition, you can link to URLs from bubble text in a topic frame or from text or an image in a web page. Users can view the target Internet or intranet site by clicking the hyperlinked text or graphic appearing when they view your content in the Player window.

URLs linked at the concept and frame levels and in web pages are also included in selected document outputs, namely, the System Process Document, Training Guide, and Instructor Manual. See URL Behavior in Publishing for more detail.

Note: URL attachments that are linked to frames or bubble text are not available in See It! or Know It? play modes in the Player.

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