Add Glossary Terms to a Glossary

After completing this topic, you will be able to add glossary terms to a glossary.


  1. Add the following terms to the glossary: file and document.


    Click in the Glossary Term field to add the first term.

    Step 1
  2. Enter the desired information into the Glossary Term field. Enter "file".

    Step 2
  3. Press [Enter].

    Step 3
  4. After typing a glossary term, you can continue to add terms by placing one term on each row. You can click in the blank cell below the term you just entered or press the [Down] key, which enters the current term and automatically moves down to the next row.


    Pressing the [Tab] key moves horizontally across a row and creates a new row.

    Step 4
  5. Click in the Glossary Term field in the next row to activate the cell.

    Step 5

  6. Enter the desired information into the Glossary Term field. Enter

     a valid value

    Step 6
  7. Press [Enter].

    Step 7
  8. Save the glossary.


    Click the Save button.

    Step 8

After completing this topic, you are able to add glossary terms to a glossary.