The Presentation output uses a Microsoft PowerPoint template called PresentationTemplate.pptx to control the format and layout of the presentation. Each language has its own template file. A folder for each language is located in the lang folder within the print style. To make any customization, you modify the PowerPoint template. 

The template contains two slides with pre-defined layouts and text, one for the title slide and one for the steps.

Change the Logo

The logo appears at the top left corner of each slide. You can change this logo as desired by replacing it on the two slides in the template with your own company logo. With this method, it can be any size that fits appropriately on the slide.

Note: You can also use the Customize Logo tool in the Developer to replace the logo. If you use this tool, the logo should be no larger than 230x44 pixels.

Change the Slide Theme

You can apply any slide theme or design you wish. Depending on the position of the elements in the design, you may need to adjust the position of the placeholder images and text boxes. You can also apply a background color to the slides.

Configure the Slide Layout

The second slide in the presentation contains the default layout for the steps. You can rearrange or resize these text boxes as desired. Note that at a minimum, there must be one image placeholder for the graphic and one text box placeholder for the bubble text for each step.

Adjust Paper Size

By default, the slides are sized for an onscreen show. If you are printing the presentations, you can set a page size in the Page setup dialog box.

Change Font and Font Attributes

You can change the default font in the text boxes as desired. You can also change the font attributes such as color, size, and weight (bold).

Title of Slide

You can change or delete the title of the slide.

Transition Effects

By default, there are no transition effects. You can set the default transition effect as desired.

See Customize Publishing Styles for more information about copying, renaming and editing publishing styles.

Note: If you create custom publishing styles, you should document your customizations so you can easily re-apply them, if necessary, after a software upgrade.

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