The Recorder functions like a screen capture utility. When you record a topic, you are taking a series of pictures of the way the screen looks after each step in a task. Each screen image you capture also has an associated action. This action that you perform (mouse click or keyboard action) moves you to the next screen. The screenshot and associated action are called a frame. The Recorder can be set up to function in automatic (default) or manual recording mode. You can change the recording mode in the Recorder category of the Options dialog by selecting the desired mode (Manually or Automatically record screenshots). 

Automatic vs. Manual Recording
Use Automatic Recording when you are recording a familiar system process to keep errors to a minimum. In this mode, every action after you press PRINTSCREEN is recorded until the next PRINTSCREEN. Inadvertent actions are recorded and will have to be edited out in the Topic Editor.

Use Manual Recording mode when you are less familiar with the system process you are recording. This mode requires you to press PRINTSCREEN after each action you record, giving you the opportunity to correct mistakes before the recording is saved with the next PRINTSCREEN.

Note: Point events are not recorded when using the automatic recording mode because there is no way to record the action without an event such as a mouse click; for example, when you click on a menu then move your cursor to a menu item that opens a submenu. No action occurs until you click on the submenu item. Use manual recording mode to record this type of situation because you can PRINTSCREEN on the menu item and submenu item to capture without a click.

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