After viewing the dispersal of questions in the outline, you can use the tools in the view to strengthen the assessment by providing better question coverage. For example, if you see that one topic has no associated questions and another has five, you may want to balance the coverage in the assessment by adding one or two questions to one topic and removing questions from the other.


While you may use the Assessment Coverage view to analyze an assessment after you create it, it is also a good place to begin building an assessment. Using the view to link a new or existing question with a document in the outline, adds the question to the selected assessment and automatically sets the Associated Content property for the question to the document selected in the outline; in effect, mapping the question to your content. You can also clear the Associated Content property for a question, which removes the association, but does not remove the question from the assessment.


Note: The Publishing Wizard includes a warning in the activity log if a published assessment contains questions that do not have the Associated Content property set. You can open the activity log from the final Publishing Wizard screen and view which assessments were affected.

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