After you log in, the Knowledge Center home page appears. From the home page, you can start new subjects; continue a subject from a previous session; search for a specific subject; update your profile; or view notes made while taking a subject. The Home Home button in the title bar at the top of any page returns you to this page.


Note: The options that you have on the home page will vary depending on the setup at your company.


The home page contains a Navigation pane and a My Knowledge Center pane.


My Knowledge Center

The My Knowledge Center pane provides links to your subject in progress as well as the history of the subjects you have accessed. These links only appear if you have logged in previously and started a knowledge path. There is also a link to view a report of your usage summary, which includes the knowledge path name, date enrolled, activity, scores, and your progress in each.


There are two icons that appear in the title bar of the My Knowledge Center pane as well as all the other pages in Knowledge Center. Clicking the Help Knowledge Center Help icon opens the Knowledge Center help system, and clicking the Logout Logout icon logs you out of the Knowledge Center. This icon only appears if you are logged in under Standard authentication.



The Navigation pane appears on the left side of the Knowledge Center. It may contain the following links, depending on the setup at your company and the product that has been installed. Several of these links are available only in the Professional edition.

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