Edit a Table

After completing this topic, you will be able to edit a table.


  1. The default table style for the Standard style sheet is the Gray header with border style. Since this style is marked as the default table style, it is automatically applied when you create any new table. The name of the default style appears in the Styles list.


    The default style formats the table with gray headers; however, the gray header formatting is not showing because you need to enable headers for the table.

    Step 1
  2. Edit the table properties using the context menu.


    Right-click any cell in the table.

    Step 2
  3. Click the Table Properties link.

    Step 3
  4. Define headers for the table.


    Click the Headers list.

    Step 4
  5. Enable headers for both the first row and first column.


    Click the Both list item.

    Step 5
  6. Horizontally center the table in the web page.


    Click the Alignment list.

    Step 6
  7. Click the Center list item.

    Step 7
  8. Change the width of the table to 700px.


    Double-click in the Width field.

    Step 8
  9. Enter the desired information into the Width field. Enter

     a valid value

    Step 9
  10. Change the cell padding (padding between the text and the cell borders) to 3.


    Double-click in the Cell padding field.

    Step 10
  11. Enter the desired information into the Cell padding field. Enter

     a valid value

    Step 11
  12. Click OK to apply the changes.

    Step 12
  13. Notice the changes to the table.

    Step 13
  14. Use the Styles list to apply the Blue headers and alternating rows style.


    Click the Styles list.

    Step 14
  15. Click the Blue headers and alternating rows - Table list item.

    Step 15
  16. Delete the last row using the context menu.


    Right-click any blank cell in the last row.

    Step 16
  17. Point to the Row menu.

    Step 17
  18. Click the Delete Rows link.

    Step 18
  19. Insert a new first row above the column headings using the context menu.


    Right-click any cell in the heading row.

    Step 19
  20. Point to the Row menu.

    Step 20
  21. Click the Insert Row Before link.

    Step 21
  22. Add text to the first cell of the inserted row.


    Click the 1st cell of the 1st row.

    Step 22
  23. Enter the desired information into the selected cell. Enter "Corporate Paper Sizes and Locations".

    Step 23

After completing this topic, you are able to edit a table.