Import, in combination with export, allows you to exchange content between libraries and database servers and restore backup copies of your content. You can import a content archive file from the Tools menu.

When importing, you can select an archive file(s), identified by the extension odarc. The Developer validates the archive structure when you initiate the import process. Therefore, you cannot choose to import only specific pieces of an archive; you must import the entire archive as a unit.

Next, you specify the Library location into which the contents of the archive are to be imported. You can browse to select an existing folder or type a new folder name, including Library path if necessary, to create a new folder for the imported material.


Finally, you have the option to overwrite existing documents or not. You should choose the overwrite option if the archive contains updated versions of documents that are already in your Library. In contrast, you might choose not to overwrite existing documents to import only new documents from an archive containing some documents that are new and some that are already present in your Library. Skipping the existing documents in this way speeds the import process.

In general, the import process writes the contents of the archive file to your Library in the selected location, re-creating the documents and their Library structure as necessary, as well as links to and from the documents. A summary message appears if some of the documents you selected could not be processed. Clicking the View Activity Log link in the message displays a list of the results for each document.

The specific results of importing an archive depend on the contents of the archive, the existing contents and structure of the Library, and the specified import options, as detailed next.

The following information summarizes the results of import for different combinations of import options:

Also note that, during import, the Developer identifies all roles used in the imported content. It then compares these roles to the master role list of the same language. If any of these roles is not included in the appropriate master role list, the Developer attempts to add the role to the role list. If the role cannot be added to the list, for example, if the master role list is open in an editor, the role is still kept in the content but is not included in any role list. You can later update the master role list to include these roles, if desired.

Multi-user Considerations Multi-user Considerations

ProcedureTo import content:

  1. On the Tools menu, point to Import and choose Documents.
  2. Type the name and location of the .odarc file to import or browse to the file(s).
    You can select multiple files using standard multi-select keys (Ctrl-click or Shift-click).
  3. Type the destination location of the .odarc(s) or browse to the location.
  4. Check the Overwrite existing documents box if you want to overwrite existing documents of the same name with the imported documents.
  5. Click Import to execute the process.
    The import tool analyzes and processes the selected archive, adding the archive documents and re-creating their relative folder structure in the specified Library folder.
    If any errors occur, they are written to an activity log, and a Partial Import message box appears. You can click the View Activity Log link to view the results of the import or click OK to close the message box.

Note: When importing multiple .odarc files of the same name, files are imported in the order of the date they were created. This insures the .odarc that was created last overwrites earlier versions if the Overwrite existing documents box is checked.

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