All text blocks in the Knowledge Center are formatted using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This allows you to change the appearance of the interface very quickly. Changes you may wish to make to the appearance of text in the Knowledge Center are: 

Knowledge Center uses a style sheet found in the <install directory>\Web Server\KCenter\Styles directory. To apply your own custom style, you must first create a new directory under Styles with an appropriate name such as “custom”. You can name this directory differently if required. Then copy the file from the \Styles directory to \Styles\custom. You can then modify the styles defined within these files.

Note: Do not modify the .css files in \Styles. These files are replaced each time an updated version of the Knowledge Center is installed. Files in a “custom” directory are not overwritten.

Note: A discussion about creating style sheets is outside the scope of this document. There are many books and web resources that cover this topic.

Once the styles have been updated, you must create entries in the Knowledge Center customization file so that the Knowledge Center uses your custom file. The stringid value for the general.css is 3.

For example, the string in the eu<langid>.lng file for general.css is:

<item stringid="3">

If you placed the copy of this file in Styles\Custom, the entry in the customization file (eu<langid>.cus) would be:

<item stringid="3">

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