The Assessment Coverage view is an Outline Editor view for analyzing assessments to ensure that the assessment questions adequately measure competency as related to the content linked to the assessment. The analysis in the Assessment Coverage view is based on associating a question with a module, section, or topic using the Associated Content property for the question. See Associated Content Property under Question Properties in the View Document Properties chapter for information about setting the Associated Content property for a question.


Note: You can include questions in your content by linking them directly to a module or section in the outline structure (inline questions), or by including them in a linked or associated assessment, or both. You can include assessments in your content by linking them directly to the outline structure (inline assessment), or by associating them with a parent document such as a module or section using the Assessments property.


The Assessment Coverage view serves several functions.

The Assessment Coverage view includes three components: 

Associating content with a question determines if the content document appears in Personalized Content (available only in the Professional edition). See Understand Personalized Content in the Enhance Content with Questions and Assessments chapter for more information.


ProcedureTo open the Assessment Coverage View: 

  1. From the Outline Editor, click drop down arrow on the View toolbar and choose Assessment coverage view.

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