The Submit Your Topic page allows you to save your topic to the Record It Content folder of the Library so it can be reviewed by the content author. If you do not want to keep the recording, you can delete the topic and it will not be saved to the Library or to your local machine and cannot be restored.


Note: Delete topic only deletes edits made during the recording session but does not remove the original topic from the Record It Content folder in the Library.


ProcedureTo submit a topic in Record It!:

  1. From the Submit Your Topic page, click Submit topic.
  2. Enter any comments on the Check In Comment page and click OK.

ProcedureTo delete a topic in Record It!:

  1. From the Submit Your Topic page, click Delete topic.
  2. Click Yes to delete the topic from the Library.
  3. Click Next to advance to the next page of the wizard.

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